Danish and Belgian employers: we need more European social dialogue and respect for social partners’ autonomy

Politics and Analysis

Danish and Belgian employers: we need more European social dialogue and respect for social partners’ autonomy


The Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (VBO-FEB) and the Confederation of Danish Employers (DA) have issued a joint declaration on the future challenges for the labour market. Many of these challenges are best addressed through social dialogue, however, EU directives on social issues leave small room for manoeuvre for the social partners.

Belgium and Denmark have strong traditions of autonomous collective agreements regulating wages and working conditions. Therefore, respect for an autonomous social dialogue is fundamental. At European level, we believe there is room for improvement when it comes to recognising the relevance of the European social dialogue and respecting the social partners’ autonomy.

This joint declaration follows a visit to Denmark on 26 oct. 2021 by His Majesty King Philippe of Belgium, four Belgian Ministers for Economy and Employment and the Belgian social partners. The aim of the meeting was to exchange information on social dialogue – both the challenges and best practises.

You can read more about our views on the future challenges for our labour markets in our joint declaration.

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